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Monday, August 30, 2010

Animation. International Olympic Comitee

International Olympic Comitee

Here is the spot created for the international Olympic commitee as the official Olympic spot during the 2010 Vancouver Games. I directed this spot in collaboration with Matthieu Landour at Nexus productions in London. We were commissioned to design 6 athletes standing out for each continent being a broad representation of gender, ethnies and sports... That was a big challenge but we're happy about the result. It has been broadcasted worldwide and nominated several time for best commercial in festivals around the world. I also designed most of the characters and sets. The final look depends also a lot on the magic hands of a small crew of super talented people. Full credits in the credits part.

directed by : Fx&Mat
Produced by : Christine Ponzevera at Nexus productions
Agency : Cole&Weber

IOC ¦ All together now from fxandmat on Vimeo.


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